5 Action Items for a 
Successful Standing Program 

Be at the forefront of your practice by keeping abreast of the latest evidence in adaptive standing for children and youth with disabilities!

Lori starts this informative seminar by highlighting the need for a holistic standing program via a whole day approach to postural care. Via an overview of current research findings, Lori will equip you with 5 actionable items that are essential for optimizing the success of the child’s standing program. She will emphasize the importance of the early initiation of standing, seamless integration throughout the day, intentional positioning, coaching caregivers to engage the child in transfers, and making each standing opportunity engaging and enjoyable for the child.

Through a compelling case study, Lori will illustrate how these strategies translate into successful outcomes. Walk away from this seminar with valuable insights and strategies that you can use the very next day to implement a successful standing program. 

Closed Captioned in English!

Click here for the agenda, objectives, and CE approval info for this webinar.

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