Maintaining Educational Relevance in Teletherapy

The COVID-19 pandemic has upended, among other things, the way school-based therapists provide services. How would you ensure that you are staying true to your calling of providing educationally-relevant services via teletherapy? Evidence that directly addresses this area is surely lacking, but there is research elsewhere that we can pull from to promote evidence-informed practices via teletherapy. So, Carlo approaches this webinar via clinical reasoning that connects the language of IDEA, these evidence-based therapeutic interventions, and the way we can plan for synchronous and asynchronous online therapy services. Time to hit PAUSE, REFRESH and appreciate the contributions we can make to improving the lives of our students with disabilities during these challenging times.

Closed Caption in English available!

BONUS VIDEO: 4 Evidence-based Practices

BONUS PRACTICAL TOOLKIT: Fillable Worksheets and Checklists for Maintaining Educational Relevance in Teletherapy; Graphics for 4 Evidence-based Interventions to Try

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