Using CO-OP’s Goal-Plan-Do-Check in the Schools

Are your students struggling to acquire functional skills? Feeling limited by your current interventions? Try CO-OP’s Goal-Plan-Do-Check (GPDC) framework!

The Cognitive Orientation to daily Occupational Performance (CO-OP) Approach was created to engage children in solving performance problems and developing new skills. It is ideal for school practitioners who teach functional skills, such as writing, negotiating stairs, self-care, play, and more.

Lara will begin by explaining the CO-OP Approach’s top-down, metacognitive focus and how it differs from traditional bottom-up methods. She’ll also share research supporting CO-OP’s effectiveness across various conditions, including developmental coordination disorder, cerebral palsy, intellectual disabilities, and other developmental disabilities.

While the comprehensive CO-OP workshop* is 2.5 days, this seminar will focus on introducing you to the GPDC framework. In the first step, Goal, you’ll learn strategies to help students set and refine goals that are meaningful to their schooling. For Plan, Lara will discuss “guided discovery”, a technique that would enable your students to identify performance breakdowns, explore personalized solutions, and write a plan. For the Do phase, Lara will describe how to support students as they practice their plans in real-life contexts. Finally, in Check, you’ll learn to engage students in reviewing the effectiveness of their plan, identifying additional breakdowns, and making necessary adjustments. Lara will present various case studies illustrating individual students learning to use a combination lock, descend stairs reciprocally, and write legibly, as well as a whole class’s experience in using GPDC to develop self-regulation strategies after recess.

Leave the course with an organized tool that empowers your students as they build new skills! Closed Captioned in English.

Click here for the agenda, objectives, and CE approval info for this webinar.

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